I can't believe I haven't updated this in a week. So much has happened. We had our soft opening on Sunday, January 29 and we invited about 40 people and about 100 showed up! It was great. Everyone had a great time.

Today was our official opening and it went very well. We were slow for a lot of the day and we tried to hold down the panic feeling, but then at around 3;30 lots of people showed up. Which brings us to the problem of our hours. Currently we are open Monday to Friday 9:00 to 4:30. I know we need to be open later, but we need to hire some people first. Or teach our kids how to get from daycare to the cafe on their own. :-) We will work it out. And we'll be open on the weekends as soon as we can be. Promise!

There has been so much great buzz about the cafe. Yesterday this article was published: http://www.thegridto.com/life/food-drink/playful-grounds/  I particularly love all the comments at the end. Oy.

Today we were also interviewed by Blog T.O.  Tomorrow is Toronto Life. Also, I think we're going to be made into a comic strip. More on that later. I can't believe all the people calling up wanted to interview us! Also, today I received anonymous flowers. Nice. Creepy but nice. They were signed 'From Your Ardent Admirer'.

Today the best thing happened that made me so happy to have this cafe. A mom came in with a 5 week old. She's a first time mom and talked about how long it took her to leave the house and how this is her first real outing. I told her all about the College Montrose Children's Place (my personal salvation) and then I carried her coffee over to a table at the back beside two other women with 3 week old babies. They're on round 2 so they're not so overwhelmed. The three of them talked for 2 hours. I was so happy to be able to facilitate that!

That's all I can type for now. My eyes are shutting of their own accord. Before and after pictures of the cafe really really soon.

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